tp.. bile dh cuti seminggu mcm neh.. duk rumah mne nk carik en.
so i decide to make my own carbonara la.. jeng3..
google2 here.. shopping2 there.. cook2 inside.. tadaaaa..
my very own style of carbonara.. and i named it 'sapito d carbonara'
ngahahaahhahaha... just kidding. that name even spoil my appetite.
ok forget it. time for me to enjoy this italiaaanooo delicacy..
my very own style of carbonara.. and i named it 'sapito d carbonara'
ngahahaahhahaha... just kidding. that name even spoil my appetite.
ok forget it. time for me to enjoy this italiaaanooo delicacy..
weyy! sedapppp! jgn lupe bungkus tym balik cni hokey! :D
seyes koo masak? :o
bwk balik cyber!ahahah
ak masak r.. senang jek pon..
x payah la ak bwk blk cyber.. yg kt hb3 punyer lg sedap.. seyes ;p
kejapp... ko pakai kuali silver yg BESAQ tuh? no wonder ko leh makan sehari.. +_+
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