
nmpknyer si penggali kubur tukar career menjadi si penjual cake sementara~

cyberpreneurship project:

hi guys,
diz sem group assignment cyberpreneurship kitorang wat business around cyberjaya. after beberapa meeting n approval drpd lecturer, kitorang decided to sell food and start our business early. we will be selling homemade Chocolate moist Cake and other kind of delicious cakes.

chocolate moist cake (recommended)

for those yg suke chocolate, i recommend diz chocolate moist cake. i've already taste it, serius sedap, not bad laa. puas ati beb.
kitorang took diz chocolate moist cake for our base product, coz diz cake dpt bnyk sambutan and paling bnyk demand. sorry x dpt nk tunjuk real clear image cake tuh coz cake tuh org punyer, so x leyh la nk bukak packaging nyer.

kitorang still jual other cakes klu korang nk, but yg lain2 have to place order dulu and we will deliver to you as soon as possible. diz is some of the pictures.. (sorry 4 the low quality image, using different kind of camera)




chocolate chip

choco rice

icing 1

icing 2

jem strawberry-roll

swiss-roll choc

swiss-roll strwberry

for those who on diet tuh, just forget ur diet routine! buy our chocolate moist cake and eat until u bleed. yg penting member2 ak kene beli gak. haha! . kiddin' ;p

dlm bnyk2 cake kt atas neh, chocolate moist cake yg paling mahal, coz bnyk gune chocolate. tp member2 punyer pasal la kn, kitorang wat sume same price. RM10. senang kire, senang bg blk balance.

klu nk beli our cakes.. just leave ur order here or u can contact me. we will deliver as soon as possible.

email: shaq_mss@yahoo.com.my
phone: 012-3434562

diz is not the official site for our business project (cyberpreneurship). just represent 4 my group to promote our business. datz why i'm using my own personal blog

accounting -- tutorial

bnyk2 subjek kt mmu neh, accounting la yg paling ak nk elak slalu. mmg la subjek account common 4 bdk2 fom.. tp x tau la, wat account ni rase mcm nk high jek (di awangan dlm klaz).
diz sem ade subjek account, n tgh hari td adalah 1st tutorial account. johan bg tau tym tuto sorang2 kne jawab soalan, dia sampai bpeluh nk jawab soalan. nervous tahap gaban la tuh. jo ckp klu x bwk teks book lecturer x kasi masuk klaz. adoyyy.. ni yg btambah lemah ni, dh la ak buku teks xde, notes pon xde. klaz ade 9 org jek. mmg lecturer bleyh notice la kn.
dlm klaz tym tgh tnggu lecturer sampai tuh tetibe ak ngan efan plan nk ponteng jek la klaz. mnggu dpn br dtg bwk buku teks skali. berambus la kami dr klaz tuh. otw nk blk tuh tetibe rase mcm halfhearted lak. klu ponteng nnti susah lak nk cr group assignmnt. so we decided masuk blk klaz. klu kne marah ngan lecturer nnti pon lantak la, wat slambe jek.
rupe2 nyer dlm 1 klaz tuh sorang jek yg bwk buku teks.. share la kitorang ramai2. lecturer pon xde la garang, baik jek. se boleh2 nk ajar sampai paham. and d best thing, mule2 ak ngan efan ingat kitorang la yg paling mangkuk ayun subjek account neh. rupe2 nyer sume mcm same standard jek. kehkehkeh.. rupenyer kitorang xde la semangkuk ayun yg kami sangka. haha! keseganan kami berkurang, mcm best lak blaja blk basic2 account neh.
disebabkn tuto section td ade 9 org jek.. so lecturer plan nk close section tuh. terpakse la ak tuka section on monday mornin. Soooo.. sem ni thursday ak xde klaz! heeeeeeeeeEEE....



my group assignment.
lecturer suruh snap group photo. so ni lah dia.
diz sem i'm taking cyberpreneurship subject. kire wat biznez la sem ni.
biznez ape? hohoho.. blum decide lg. kne mintak approval lecturer dulu.
yg penting sume org dlm group sngt sporting!
target kami.. profit profit profit profit profit..
haha.. best!


abis group meeting plan nk mkn ngan efan, boi n ida. suddenly skemm msg ajak minum. oke, jom la skali. then skemm sruh ajak aida skali, last2 makin ramai.. pak aji, johan n membe die pon join skali. konvoi la kami 3 krete. bazir2 minyak mentang2 minyak turun harga. haha.
laugh out loud @ mcD

RED super screamer on saturday night!

ni lah sebab ak jerit2 lompat2 golek2.. 5 kali dlm 90 minit sorang2 dlm bilik sabtu lepas. download from ct jek.

MAN UTD 5 - 0 stoke city

aida dh pandai main tag2. hehe

If your lover betrayed you, how will you react?
ntah la, mcm xde experience jek. blur skejap kot.

If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
○ same cam aida gak, dslr + accessories nyer

Whose butt would you like to kick?
uwww.. blom ade lg kot.

What would you do with a billion dollars?
make my dreams come true laaa

Would you fall in love with your best friend?

Which do you think is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
until she got married.

If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
tuh maknenyer keceper. keh keh keh

If you were to act with someone, who would it be? Your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
sape2 pon boley. nk memilih plak aih.

Would you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding?
yerp. klu xde ape2 problem la

How would you see yourself in ten years time?
dh 30 kot. maybe dh ade my own family. successful. (hope)

What's your greatest fear?
snake, rejection, failed... arrgghhh! fobia

What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
ohohoooo. aida blur, kurus, gila. tp die pemurah, x suke nyusahkn org, x pandai menipu, x hipokrit. oke skit2 cukup. kembang plak hidung kang. ;p

Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
○ cam ne pon tetap married. kaya miskin ketentuan tuhan

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
cek time, then masuk toilet

Would you give all in a relationship?
○ no -> when couple2... yes -> after married

If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
impossible for me to in luv with 2 people simultaneously

Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yes. if org tuh admit n die mintak maap

Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
hurrmmmm.. susah nk jwb. dua2 ade positif n negatif side

List 5 people to tag

○ sape bace die la kne tag.. weeekkk!

active kembali

smalam bermulanyer kami start joggging blk setelah sekian lame. tp x tau la brape lame bleh tahan. biasenyer baru2 jek semangat coz masing2 berat badan dh naik en. haha. lps dh siap2 nk gi jog nk gerak dh neh , skali br prasan kasut jog x bwk blk. adoyayy. sental je la everlast. huhu mule2 plan nk jog kt cyberpark, last2 tuka plan jog kt trek mmu jek. xpe la, ok gak la tuh.

geng merah (ida,ayu) - berjaya wat 7 round. tp rasenyer 6 round tuh bjalan, 1 jek yg btul2 jog.

geng kuning (aida,efan) - aida jog 1 round, 5 lg bjalan. efan jog from cyberia to trek. then die rest pastu jog lg 1 and a half round.

geng putih (sapit, boi) - ak jog 3 round pastu pengsan. haha. boi hampeh duk besila jek kt tepi. tp ok la tolong jage kn barang.

abis jog blk bilik mandi, siap2.. then ke alamanda lak. malas nk gi jauh2 nk tngk muvee je pon. sampai2 skali tiket bnyk abis. yg ade citer madagascar jek. dh la yg ade seat dpn2, 2nd row. ak ckp kt ida ak x kisah pon duduk mane2, sbb confirm ak tdo nyer la dlm cinema. toink! last2 x jd tngk muvee, gi mkn kt A&W then gi racing2 kt arcade. mcm biase ida tetap last walaupon boi x reti control steering. haha!
later cyrus pon dtg sampai. jom melalak! artist dh join skali br best karaoke. keh keh keh. yg ak geram diorang neh pilih lagu mcm nk mengenakan ak jek en. haiiihhh. keceper
abis melalak, suara dh mcm donald duck. biase la tuh.


reason ak wat blog neh just nk share ape yg positif jd kt hidup ak. bknyer ak wat blog untk lepas kn perasaan x tentu pasal. klu korang nk wat tuh korang punyer pasal la kn. tp kali ni ak btul2 x leyh tahan.
yg rase2 x suke ak tuh x yah la susah2 kn diri nk baca blog ak. knape mesti nk sibuk2? knape mesti nk amek tau? ko wat hal ko je la
yg korang tau just wat andaian sendiri, salah paham memanjang, besar kn citer, tipu sana sini, penting diri sndiri. ni bkn ape org bg tau, ni ape yg ak rase n yg ak nmpk tiap kali ngan korang. x perasan ke yg korang menampakkan lg perangai btul korang. abistuh ko expect org nk pecaya ckp ko. korang x reti selesai kn masalah sendiri btul2 ke? jgn tnyer knape org benci ko, ko tnyer diri sndiri. ko wat baik ngan org ke?
korang ni x berani ckp dpn2. jgn la nk asek salahkn org. jgn pikir org keje nk ngutuk ko jek. ak just x nk dengar citer sbelah pihak. x semestinye ak mengutuk ko kn? so ko jgn TERASA la. x yah takot klu korang btul n x yah nk melenting pon.
lg satu, kpd yg x suke ak tuh.. x yah la nk busuk hati sngt. mase tuh ak kne supp pon ko nk kecoh kt sume org bodoh2 kn ak. ape problem ko?
klu ko benci ak, kwn2 ko yg lain pon nk kne benci ak gak ke? childish la wey.
maybe entry ak kali neh pon ko sibuk2 bace. klu ko baca, rase ape yg ak tulis kt blog neh x btul. ko pikir la elok2. klu kepale otak ko degil sangat nk terima, berani2 kn la diri bukti kn kt kitorang yg ko tuh btul sngt.

lg skali.. korang ni x berani settle problem dpn2. salahkn org yg x sepatutnyer. korang...



mlm ni sah yg ak..



1st day, 2nd sem

smalam was my 1st klaz of diz semester, klaz cretive studies. slamat bkn klaz pagi. klu x mmg liat laaaa. last2 drop gak subjek tuh n add subjek lain coz mcm x best r xde member same klaz. abis klaz trus gi alamanda ngan efan. boi pon mmg dh ade kt ctu. so shopping la kami d carrefour beli segala bende yg patut. toiletries, snack, biskut, sushi, n mcm2 lg r untk stock sebulan, n yg paling harus beli adalah megi. ngeh3.

mlm smalam kitorang (sapit n boi) decide nk lepak cyberia. kebetulan kete efan kitorang bwk blk drpd shopping ptg td. so ade la kete tuh kt kitorang. kesempatan tuh digunakn sebaik-baik nyer untk ajar boi driving. 1st tym la nmpk boi duduk kt seat driver. hehe. no auto2, trus blaja manual oke. tp ni kes x penah pegang steering lngsung neh. experience totally zero. so wat do u expect from that. impossible la skali ajar dh bleyh bwk kn. stakat mati2 enjin tuh standard la. xpe2, so far kete tuh bleh la bgerak, just handling n shift gear jek x btul skit. boi kate best gak bwk kete, nnti die nk try lg. fine.

kol 1.20am camtu drive gi ampang amek cyrus bwk dtg cyber. aida rindu buah ati die. keh keh keh. kol 2.45am suddenly lapar lak. gi la hasasan ngan boi. tjumpa lak ngan ina kt sana. lame btul kitorang chat n mcm2 citer panas membakar jiwa la dpt tau. huuuuhhh.
lesson yg ak dpt drpd chat yg lame tuh. hipokrit, backstab, busuk ati, show off, n fitnah btul2 irritating n menjanamkn kawan!


yezzaa.. br sampai cyber td. giler penat angkut barang bnyk2 from lower ground to 4th floor. rase mcm nk tecabut dh tulang pelvis. hoho. slamat la bro nazri tolong angkat kn skali. klu x mmg koma la ak kt ctu. thnx bro! : )
jejak jek kaki kt 5002. trus ltk laptop, on9, pasang speaker, play winamp. dh siap2 tune sound, br la smangat nk kemas2 bilik.

by d tym abis kemas hujan pon turun. uwwww sejuk~ tdo jap best neh. hehee.
eeeeeeyyhhh!! jap. lupe lak. blum register subjek lg. ayoyooo..
bukan main pening daa kpale nk arrange tym table. nk register ni x boley tu x boley. memajang clash jek. ni la nasib register subjek last minit. dh 2 tahun lebey pon x serik2 lg. but i have my own reason register lmbt. hehe.
oke. already register 3 subjects. skang ni pon tym table dh pack.tp kne register 4 subjek, klu x bile nyer ak nk grad dowhh. haihhh. esok2 la pikir. wat mase neh connection tenet tgh laju, layan anime lg baguz. kehkehkeh.


suddenly, just now ade org masuk my room without knock2 deyy. die bkk pintu gune kunci.
jeng jeng jeng... siapakah org itu???

sapit : aik, ko nk wat kezutan ke?
org itu : hahaa!
sapit : mane efan?
org itu : dh blk dh.. die kasi ak kunci, ak pasni duk cni
sapit : owww. ape kes? sila la masuk..

pastu busy la org itu mengemas sana sini.. well, tau2 la perangai die en. haha.
so... nmpknyer ade la ak rummet 4 diz sem.

tuh dia!

bile ade klaz nk sngt cuti. bile dh cuti boring pulak. ni la yg terjadi kt ak every cuti sem.
cuti sem kali ni terase lame coz dh cuti awal. biase nyer cuti 3 minggu, diz tym ak cuti almost a month. tuh pon sbb exam abis awal.
dngr2 result kluar diz wednesday. lmbt lak kali ni kluar. slalunyer tym2 camni dh kuar. uwwww suspen nyerrr... ade bnyk bende nk kne settle kn kt cyber neh. klu x mmg chaos la sem dpn.
adela lg 5, 6 hari lg nk blk cyber. dh last2 neh sempat la klu nk beli n prepare ape2 yg patut nk ltk kt ostel tuh. , penyapu ke, carpet ke, selipar jepun, biskut, roti, megi... ape2 la asalkn bleh temankn kn ak sorang2 kt ostel tuh.
sem baru neh ade intake ke? klu ade sure sem dpn ak dh ade rummet en. bagus gak. boley buli. ngehngehngeh... tp mengikut firasat nujum pak belalang, x akan ade rummet sampai next year.
x tau sbb ape.. maybe sbb x larat nk naik tangga sampai tingat 5 kot. x kisah la. bleyh la ak melalak sorang2 dlm bilik.
last week, tym blk dr KL ak dh activate kn blk membership HT ngan bob. kami sempat la bermesyuarat n membincangkn isu2 HT terkini. visi n misi still blum ditentukn. insyallah akan d announce secepat mungkin ye. nghahahaha! (info selanjutnyer: lawati blog bob)

so high..

not sleepy yet. so bored.
donno wat 2 do. on my bed.

staring at the ceiling. when the light turn off.

its dark. i cant see anything.
phone on the table. at my right side.

grab it. unlocked keypad.

lights came out. so bright.
can see now. the ceiling.

nothing interesting. of coz la nothing intersting.

so. kepad lock.

turns dark. cant see anything

repeat from the start. until battery kong!