cyberpreneurship project:

hi guys,
diz sem group assignment cyberpreneurship kitorang wat business around cyberjaya. after beberapa meeting n approval drpd lecturer, kitorang decided to sell food and start our business early. we will be selling homemade Chocolate moist Cake and other kind of delicious cakes.

chocolate moist cake (recommended)

for those yg suke chocolate, i recommend diz chocolate moist cake. i've already taste it, serius sedap, not bad laa. puas ati beb.
kitorang took diz chocolate moist cake for our base product, coz diz cake dpt bnyk sambutan and paling bnyk demand. sorry x dpt nk tunjuk real clear image cake tuh coz cake tuh org punyer, so x leyh la nk bukak packaging nyer.

kitorang still jual other cakes klu korang nk, but yg lain2 have to place order dulu and we will deliver to you as soon as possible. diz is some of the pictures.. (sorry 4 the low quality image, using different kind of camera)




chocolate chip

choco rice

icing 1

icing 2

jem strawberry-roll

swiss-roll choc

swiss-roll strwberry

for those who on diet tuh, just forget ur diet routine! buy our chocolate moist cake and eat until u bleed. yg penting member2 ak kene beli gak. haha! . kiddin' ;p

dlm bnyk2 cake kt atas neh, chocolate moist cake yg paling mahal, coz bnyk gune chocolate. tp member2 punyer pasal la kn, kitorang wat sume same price. RM10. senang kire, senang bg blk balance.

klu nk beli our cakes.. just leave ur order here or u can contact me. we will deliver as soon as possible.

phone: 012-3434562

diz is not the official site for our business project (cyberpreneurship). just represent 4 my group to promote our business. datz why i'm using my own personal blog


Anonymous said...

hoih.nampak sedap je ;P

tuan_penggali said...

hoih. ade blog gak rupenyer.
meh2 beli. hehe

=) said...

sapit!! sangap seyh... nak yg bentuk
gunung itam tuh.. sslluuurrppp...

tuan_penggali said...

gunung hitam yg mane daa??

aidashahab said...

nak moist2!!

Alia Ibrahim said...

alamak..t'gode la pulak sedappppppppppppp je sume neh..
heeeee.. =D

Anonymous said...

syafiq.. ila nak oder 10 choco moist.. utk raya haji... ( kita wat korban cake ) ;))