last month..

ade join event under sekolah@mmu last month for the 6th time..

1st - pahang
2nd - langkawi
3rd - taiping
4th - seremban
5th - penang
6th - melaka

6 difference experience n maybe will be the last involvement dlm event neh. instead of mengajar student skolah, event neh pon byk mengajar diri sendiri gak. klu nk tau ape join sendiri r. malas lak nk list down satu2 en. hoho.

jd cikgu sapit for this multimedia class ;p
ajar those student how to use photoshop.

duk tepi dewan jd technical tukar2 screen
time closing event at MMU campus melaka.
nervous woo.. no space for error.
strict gilez kot, ramai VIP
la plak dtg

bleh dikira hepy ending to my last event. x tau camne lg nk explain tp mmg never regret n everthing tersangatlah awesome~

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