i've got a weirdo tag. haha! click here 2 get the question.
1. If lee played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
--> maybe a movie like step up. jd backup dancer kot. ;p
2. What is or would be a good nickname for ida?
--> owhhh terlalu bnyk. "aytam" la yg paling faymes.
3. ayu just got vaporized in a freak accident. Now what?
--> ishkkk3. somaga anda bahagia disana. haha!
4. Who is mira's best friend?
--> senang jek. klu kt MMU neh aida laaa..
5. Describe aida in 5 words?
--> confident, gagah, hebat, pintar, cergas
6. Do you love paez?
--> uwwwww. gay bebenor la cam gituu
7. Ever slept in the same room with efan?
--> x terkira bnyknyer. klu nk kire, kne kire dr tym2 baby lagik
8. Who would you rather get stuck in handcuffs with, alia or zaida?
--> hmmm.. susah neh, dua2 pon gila dua2 pon bnyk plan2 aneh. hoho
9. Oh no, enab got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
--> mcm x terkejut jek. die x ckp ape2 kot. die bg souvenir jek. haha!
10. What would you do if ajiq confessed love to you?
--> paaaaannngggggg!! gua kasi die. maybe keceper sngt tuh kot.
6 hours ago
pasal nama ak dpt soklan mcm tuh?
ngahahahaha.. ak taknakkkk jumpa koo~!!! takottttttttt~~~!!!!
ida2.. kalu ko bacer nih.. bitau ak 1 rahsia boleh?
ida kate x boley.
camner la ko leh jumpa benda2 nih ~
diorang tag. ak wat jek. haha!
ahahhahha!!!! paezzz!!! ko nak blanje aku x kalo aku gtau rahsie???? ngeeeeeee aku on jek :D
wey sapitan! mane ko dpt soklan2 die... cmne ko pandai2 jek letak name di tempat2 soklan... hahahah aku dh peninggg
ape yg ko nk sapitan2 gak neh. adoyayyy..
ko click jek yg "click here"
past isi name.
tue aida ke aida laen? confuse dah..
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