klu nk btul2 x cukup stakat 7.
so, minta izin tiru point skit. express skit.
* List these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks on yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.
7 facts about me
1. very weird for me if i skip my meal
2. really2 avoid window shopping, coz when i do, i am unstoppable! hohoho
3. i dont waste my money buying funky,stylo outfit. lg best wat blanje mkn ye dok.
4. gelak2 wif friends till the end of breath.
5. for now, i dont really care about serious n full commitment relationship
6. i like to taste all those weird2 food. thatz why la buncit
7. kecik, sampai kadang2 org x perasan
7 unspectacular quirks:
1. i dont look like i'm smiling when i smile.
2. i can be so so so blur when i'm so so so ngantuk
3. need different kind of songs to drive my mood
4. slalu menyayi lagu pelik2 sorang2 bile org x punctual.nk release stress la kot.
5. fobia tngk ular. gara2 selepas kejadian ular menyorok bwh kereta n ular bersuka ria dihujung jari kaki ku. huhu
6. always jln Lenggang kangkung to toilet without shutting the door first. slamat x ilang ape2, baik2 jgk student mmu neh
7. cannot hold anything when doing presentation. u know why la kn..
7 people to be tagged
1. ayu
2. ida
3. epan
4. enab
5. bob
6. aida
7. pinky
7 comments for the 7 bloggers:
1. plizz la sruh nani main btul2
2. patu tu kayah
3. sngt busy wat business sampai rmbut blakang dr beruban
4. kelisa x sesuai untk ko, ak recommend tuka skyline
5. keceper tetap keceper
6. guna la camera dngn sebaiknyer yek
7. ko dh lame x update blog, sila2 la
5 hours ago
adooooiititttt!!! tagggg lg!!!! babunnn! jgn nak bg tawu sumeorg la kan bahase bangsawan tu... cetttt....
ahahahaaa.. penuhkn tmpt kosong. alaaaa, org lain bknnyer paham pon bahasa bangsawan ko tuh.
You these things, I have read twice, for me, this is a relatively rare phenomenon!
Personalized Signature:常州麻将,常州三打一,常州攻主,常州斗地主,常州4人升级
sape kejadah lak yg comment post ak neh????
aloo braderr... wrong number maa..
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